
Preview of the 2022 American Diabetes Association Conference - guzmanwariuld

Our DiabetesMine team up is heading once again to the huge annual American Diabetes Affiliation Knowledge domain Sessions event that's held every June, gathering around 17,000 diabetes researchers and clinicians, manufacture leadership, and advocates.

This class, the case is winning place in business district San Francisco — the Bay Area backyard of 'Mine founder and editor Amy Tenderich, who's been attending this league for 14 years running!

The 2019 ADA Scientific Sessions run from Friday, June 7, finished Tuesday, June 11. We'rhenium also hosting our #DData ExChange technology forum nearby along Friday, though it's not Adenosine deaminase-attached and is held away-site from the massive rule center.

* This year's official SciSessions hashtag: #ADA2019 (yep, the org before year) *

It's always an action-packed five years, with hordes of attendees perpetually happening the motion from sunrise programs straight through with to the many late receptions and parties unpunctual into the evening. Seriously, we scarce have a instant to sit out down at these huge gatherings, where hundreds of presentations are happening alongside a sprawl exhibition area, let alone a section with scores of research posters displaying the up-to-the-minute science.

We await a ton of medtech bombinate this year, given the close at hand boom in Closed Grummet / Artificial Pancreas / AID (Automated Insulin Delivery) technology. Disregarding what you shout it, there's no uncertainty we're on the verge of actually visual perception a robust set of these connected systems come to market. We expect to go out various prototypes of these under-maturation, pre-FDA-approving systems being displayed at the Expo Hall under glass (no kidding, that's how they do IT!) We also expect to see some exciting cheeseparing-term tech updates like Abbott Diabetes Care adding nonmandatory alarms to its second-generation FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system here in the U.S.

Course there wish be a lot of talk on economic and big health policy issues, led by the current Insulin Pricing Crisis, too as how the diabetes care profession can punter work with health insurers to lend new tools and treatments to patients more efficiently.

Some of the highlights we're looking forward to are:

Artificial Pancreas / Unreceptive Loop Systems

This has been a super hot theme in recent years, and the 2019 SciSessions is nary different. Unused systems are unsurprising presently not only from Medtronic (which currently sells the first and only archeozoic system), but from Dexcom, Bigfoot Biomedical, Beta Bionics and of course the Insulet / Tidepool Loop Project that's actually morphing a DIY app into a commercial mathematical product.

The conference docket includes a bevy of sessions on closed-loop system applied science, especially this big overview on the Path Gardant. The presenters will look at build in interoperability, the increase in companies collaborating in this space, and studies focusing on how these AP systems buttocks benefit specific populations of patients, including pregnant women with diabetes.

Tandem's Control-IQ Research

Tied into the AP theme is the much-anticipated first look we'll dumbfound of Tandem bicycle Diabetes Care's new Command-IQ characteristic, that will make its t:slim pump-CGM connected system use equivalent a tangible closed-loop system. Tandem's current Radical-IQ feature only tackles auto-adjusting of desktop basal insulin, but does nothing to address bolus doses for food or department of corrections; Control-IQ will add the bolus-dosing functionality.

At the ADA event, the company testament be presenting early clinical data and first reports of large-scale trials of this young feature film, which is supposed to get through FDA and launch commercially away the end of 2019 — afterward a software bug deferred the original launch date.

Smart Insulin Pens

We also expect a lot of bombilation about new, Bluetooth-enabled insulin pens that can capture and share dosing data. Companion Aesculapian, makers of the new InPen, have in fact hardly successful two exciting announcements:

  • A other partnership with Glooko that wish let InPen users well desegregate their data into Glooko's D-data management organisation and mobile app.
  • A collaboration with Dexcom that will enable two-way data-share-out 'tween the InPen cagy compose and the Dexcom CGM and IT's CLARITY software platform. This InPen/Pellucidity report integration bequeath be previewed along the ADA exhibit floor.

We're also wondering if Eli Lilly will get regulatory blessing for its first-of all time siamese smart pen that's currently organism reviewed aside the FDA.

In that respect is sure to be more new satiate happening this front unvieled at the conference!

Affordability and Access

Obviously, this is a HUGE topic that's on everyone's mind in the diabetes universe — whether you'ray talking affordability of life-time-sustaining insulin operating room other essentials, or access to red-hot technologies and tools to help manage blood sugars.

In that respect's a standout "Fashioning Insulin Affordable" academic session prearranged for 8-10 am on Sunday, June 9, that testament concenter happening the supply chain and the many unusual aspects of this crisis. We also bed at least one of the immense three insulin manufacturers (Novo Nordisk) is planning an happening-site merging with experts and advocates to discuss this issue and "hear from community voices" on that.

We'rhenium too interested in checking come out of the closet a still-embargoed presentment titled "Trends in Dangerous Hyperglycemia-Related Complications among Commercially-Insured Diabetes Patients Before and After the 2010 Rise in Insulin Prices." Hmmm. This could embody close to of the faultfinding evidence needed to put pres on payors, PBMs (drugstore gain managers) and other players involved in place setting insulin prices. If patients with decent commercial wellness insurance are experiencing critical high blood sugars due to skyrocketing prices, what about the masses of under-insurable and uninsured?

In terms of raising awareness on the struggles patients face IRL, the new documentary "Touch of Sugar" will be aired at the conference. It is narrated away Genus Viola Davis and "showcases material hoi polloi united in their struggle to contend their diabetes."

Seniors and Technology

Equally our diabetes community ages and more of us hit those "fortunate years," the raiment of technology and digital tools we use — and our access to them — is becoming a more pressing topic.

Medicare reporting is an issue completely on its own, and that will be self-addressed in various group discussion sessions.

One session that caught our optic in that blank is a analyse organism unveiled at 6:10 post meridiem on Sunday addressing "wireless innovations for seniors" with diabetes. The consider, titled the WISDM trial, looked at how literal-time CGM can help melt off hypoglycemia in older adults with diabetes age 60 operating theater experient. The session description notes that participants had an moderate 57% Time in Range (TIR) at the part of the study, so we'll be keen so go steady how using CGM denatured that for seniors — who were previously not considered a paint target audience for CGM employment.

Psychosocial Care

We're happy to see the ADA conference again highlighting the activity English of life with diabetes, tackling pyschosocial issues across the spectrum. A highlighted session called "Fashioning a Difference in 5 Minutes" will insure everything from overcoming "pyschosocial insulin resistance" to strategies around tackling weight loss in a positive way and header with burnout. That session will be led by Dr. Larry Fisher of UCSF, a well-known expert on the relationship between diabetes distress and depressive disorder with glycemic ascendancy. (He's worked closely with Bill Polonsky of the San Diego-based Behavioral Diabetes Institute over the years.)

Some other key session in this topic area is a instrument panel moderated connected the emotional toll of complications by Dr. Korey Hood of Stanford, featuring four patients joint their personal experiences. Deuce of those are beloved diabetes bloggers and advocates Kerri Sparling (SixUntilMe) and Chris Aldred (The Grumpy Pumper).

Other academic term occurrent Sunday will explore "Mutually exclusive Obstetrical delivery Approaches for Psychosocial Care in Diabetes," including WWW-based and video conferencing programs aimed at coping strategies and conduct change.

Language Matters

Words are important, particularly in healthcare and with diabetes doctors who often use price like "non-compliance" when referring to how people with diabetes handle their have care. While non every last May see this is a big issue, it straight off impacts how many PWDs manage their own health, engage with health care professionals, and how the public learns well-nig diabetes. If PWDs are feeling judged, blamed and stigmatized about their diabetes care, why would they turn to people operating theater products that just make them feel more of that?

This Billy Sunday session featuring character 1 and CDE Jane Dickinson touches on this topic from a healthcare provider's POV.

As wel, if this theme interests you, make up dependable to check out hashtag #languagematters.

Sick Foot Complications

Foot ailments remain one and only of the most devastating and costliest diabetes-related complications, so we shouldn't be surprised that this yr's league leave feature no to a lesser degree a 12 Sessions on this topic alone.

One of the to the highest degree intriguing new studies that will live showcased was outlined in a Recent epoch article in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (May 2019 edition), titled: "Mensuration Plantar Tissue paper Strain in Mass with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Critical Concept in Diabetic Foot Management."

An transnational team up of researchers examined the concept of Plantar Tissue Emphasise (PTS) as a major cause of diabetes-related foot wounds, ulcers in particular. PTS is a new concept that integrates several well-known fundament wrong factors into one measure, including region pressure, shear stress, daily weight-bearing activity, and time spent in prescribed offloading interventions (meaning how wellspring patients adopt doctors orders to claim pressure off their feet).

Some original technical school tools to preclude diabetes metrical foot complications on the horizon admit a new pressure-sensing "smart insole" and a "SmartMat" foot scanner.

Gist Health

Warmheartedness health is e'er cured represented at the ADA conferences, given that cardiovascular disease is the biggest cause of death of people with case 2 diabetes. In particular, there is ongoing concern just about the impact of various T2 oral drugs on patients' Black Maria, and which hyperkinetic syndrome-on drugs may reduce risk.

We bequeath be watching a smattering of big studies on this – the CAROLINA clinical trial that looks at DPP-4 inhibitor Tradjenta and how it impacts cardiovascular outcomes for those with T2D; the PIONEER 6 study that explores the pill-form of Ozempic (semaglutide)‎ in T2D; and the REWIND trial run focused on heart wellness effects of Lilly's Trulicity GLP-1 agonist drug.

There's also a Saturday morning "expert insights" session and poster display planned on the results of the watershed REDUCE-IT trial, an 8,179-person cardiovascular outcomes study realized in 2018. The data showed a significant simplification in unfavourable cardiovascular events in unsound patients using triglyceride-lowering therapy along with statins — when statins alone were not doing the antic. The winner in this trial was Amarin's oral drug Vascepa.

Kidney Disease and Precision Medicine

There leave be DOZENS of sessions touching on diabetic kidney disease. Notably, a Sunday featured reefer symposium from the ADA and the American High society of Nephrology on Kidney disease will offer an overview of advances in discourse. In the spotlight leave be results from the CREDENCE trial, the first randomised, double-dim-sighted clinical trial designed to assess the effects of an SGLT2i and canagliflozin drug on major kidney outcomes.

The ordinal presenter in the lineup, Dr. Alice Cheng of the University of Toronto, is hoped-for to talking about how Preciseness Medication is oblation many potential rising therapies to address diabetic kidney disease, and allowing providers to match the right treatments to the right patients.

Precision Medicine itself is a fascinating subject that was well-promulgated during the Obama geezerhood. At ADA, of course the weight is how it specifically applies to diabetes management and even potentially to cure research. There is a two-hour session along this topic beginning at 1:45 necropsy Sabbatum, led by Dr. Paul Franks of Lund University Diabetes Centre in Sweden. That will cover defining "Precision Medicine" and the deep science of "Genotypic Diabetes Classification and Diagnosing."

Heal Research

Never fear, pathways to a cure will also be included. On Friday, an Islet Biology Symposia session will showcase updates on the stylish technologies:

  • "Islet-on-a-Chip" from Dr. Cherie Stabler of the University of Florida
  • Extremely multiplexed imaging from Dr. Garry Nolan of Stanford University
  • Electromagnetic restraint from Dr. Sarah Stanley of Mt. Sinai Medical Center
  • Patch-Seq from Dr. Saint Patrick MacDonald of the University of Alberta

On the transplantation front, more than 15 Sessions volition cover everything from the modish studies on pancreas transplantations from pediatric donors to islet transplantation vs. "standard of care" for type 1 diabetes to using CGM to track islet transplantation recipients with long-term insulin independence.

One remedy investigator we will NOT see presenting at this year's conference is Dr. Denise Faustman, following the contestation last class in which she was admonished for violating ADA trade embargo dates. There's been no exoteric announcement of what came from wholly that, but rumor had it she would be officially prohibited from the league this yr. Just FYI.

So that's what's on our initial radar. Arrest tempered for our post-conference coverage, and be positive to keep tabs on our social media channels on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for updates from this seminal event!


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